
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Champagne, Extra Dry...


Love, Linko and Parker!

We went to Rheinland Baptist Church on New Year's Eve at 7 pm to enjoy "popcorn preaching".  Nope, we didn't eat popcorn.  Five different fellas preached, but they only had 7 minutes each.  It was really enjoyable and my favorite part was the special music where 3 beautiful girls sang "Jesus Loves Me" with a pat-pat-clap beat... So cute!

We were home by 10, Parker was asleep by 11, and we were in bed shortly after, drifting off and sort-of talking, sort-of snoring, with an alarm set for midnight just in case we fell asleep.  I was feeling sorry for myself because we are OFFICIALLY un-cool, staying at home--no toasts, no kazoos and party hats, no 3-2-1- KISS, no ball-drop, no traffic stops(not that I miss those)... Bleh, hormones are annoying, and the truth is, I take it all out on poor Daniel.  Thank God he is so patient!  But there were a million fireworks on the street at midnight, and boy was it loud and colorful!  Our room is in the basement of the house, so our windows are about street level... It felt like we were very close to all the explosions!  It was pretty though!  I fell asleep with bright colors outside our window.

Speaking of explosions, our landlord bought us 2 bottles of champagne so we could celebrate New Year's Eve.  So, Daniel decided to open one for a little taste of German specialty with our dinner.  He brought it to the table, and upon opening, the cork flew straight up, hit the chandelier, and then disappeared somewhere.  Immediately after the cork's flight, projectile bubbles and bubbles and more bubbly bubbles shot straight up, and with cat-like reactions, Daniel put his hand over the stream, causing the champagne to shoot out sideways in all directions, like when you put your finger over the waterhose.  I got to see it all in action, and it was all slow-motion for about 10 seconds.  And absolutely hilarious.  There was champagne droplets all over the place.
This is a BEFORE picture--->

We found the cork right under Daniel's seat.. Only a few feet below where it started its amusing flight.  There were bubbles on Parker's high chair, under the table, on every seat (yes, all 6 seats), and on the floor all the way to the piano.  We wiped the wet sticky mess up and then realized that the bottle was half empty (Optimistically, it was half full).  Needless to say, the label on the bottle lied.  This stuff is NOT "extra dry".  It is, in fact, very wet and very sticky.

You can tell how often we drink champagne!  It was very funny.  I guess we ARE kinda cool after all, because we can laugh together.

He helped clean up, which made me very happy.

Here are a few pictures of Parker from December, for your enjoyment.

  He is growing so quickly, and he is so much fun!  


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