
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were busy days for me and Parker. All the snow melted, and Rheinland Baptist Church hosted the Euro-wide women's retreat. It was fun and I learned a lot. I missed a bit due to Parker needing to eat or sleep, but I learned enough for now! We studied the life of Joseph, who passed a lot of the tests in his life and is a great example for us when we go through trials. He had a great attitude and realized that even though people may intend evil against us, the Lord works it all out for GOOD for those who love Him.

After the weekend, we were just plain exhausted and on Sunday morning, Mister P woke up with his first bout of being sick. He had a very stuff/runny nose and was definitely not feeling well, but he sure was trying to be a good sport... Except when we had a "booger attack" with that blue sucker bulb thing, affectionaly known as the Booger Squooger-- he HATES that thing! Thankfully, he is feeling mostly better. It's amazing to me how Love can make me be perfectly OK with snot, slobber, and milk on my shoulders, terrible hairdays, and a PALE face due to all the cuddling that rubs my make-up off. Wouldn't trade it for the world.

He says "mamamama" and "buhbuhbuhb"a lot. Daniel always makes "monkey noises" to him, and I think Parker's name for Dada is "ah ah ah ah ah" and it almost sounds like a cough, almost like a laugh... but its definitely a term of endearment for his Daddy. It's so funny.

Yesterday, Parker rolled over from his back to his tummy, and Daniel and I both got to see it happen the first time! It was so exciting! He is getting so big! It took him a good 3 or 4 minutes to finally decide to roll over all the way. I'm so glad we both got to see it!  Here you can see him playing on the floor.  He loves those toes!

I'm a terrible mom:  I took some Nakey ones! haha(You can click on the photos and they should come up bigger on a seperate page if you want to save or print them)
He's going to want to KILL me when he's 15 and sees that his lil bum was on the internet! haha.  Love yall!


  1. love all of the pictures! Parker is photogenic like his momma! :)

  2. Wow, love these pictures. You are really sharing Parkers life with everyone and I am so happy about it. I will make sure Granny comes over and read and see your blog. She is so happy with you and Daniel. You made a good looking baby. Lindy
